Monday, November 30, 2009


...Уснаа тольдох сарны гоо дүрс
Удаанаар тодрох санаа алдам дүр
Амьсгаа дарам шөнийн нам гүм
Алслан холдсон шүүдэрт өглөө
...Ёроолгүй гүнээс туяарах гэрэл адил
Ерөөлгүй бүхнийг тэвчих итгэл
Илч, эрчээр намайг цэнэглэгч
Илбийн юм шиг цэнхэр ертөнц...тэнд.

Friday, November 27, 2009


...Урсчихсан цаг хугацааг сөрж эрэгцэх
Урт саарал мананг хүчилж сарниах
Удаан тэвчээрийг шалгаж тарчлаах
Ухаангүй зүрхийг дахин догдлоох
...хэрэг бии гэж үү.

Friday, November 20, 2009

Хүсэл бүхэн биелнээ...хэрэв чин зүрхнээсээ хүсвэл...

You can get it if you really want
You can get it if you really want
You can get it if you really want
But you must try
Try and try
Try and try
You'll succeed at last

Persecution you must fear
Win or lose you're gonna get your share
Got your mind set on a dream
You can get it as hard as it seems yeah

You can get it if you really want
You can get it if you really want
You can get it if you really want
But you must try
Try and try
Try and try
You'll succeed at last

Rome was not built in a day
Opposition will come your way
But the harder the battle seems
It's the sweeter the victory yeah

You can get it if you really want
You can get it if you really want
You can get it if you really want
But you must try
Try and try
Try and try
You'll succeed at last

I know it.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009


...The future lies before you, like paths of pure white snow.
Be careful how you tread it, for every step will show.

Monday, November 9, 2009


...Сайн байгаа, би сайн
Санаа алдахаас бусдаар
Шаналахаа больсоон, би зүгээр
Сэмхэн ганцаардахаас бусдаар
...Ажил тавлагаа, бүгд хэвийн
Ааглах дурсамжаас бусдаар
Амьдрал сайн, бүх зүйл өөдрөг
Алс минь чамгүйгээс бусдаар...